Guaranteed Inspiration Right Here
When you're grinding as an entrepreneur, business owner, or even a salaried employee, it's easy to get in a rut. It happens to me all the time. We get used to doing the same actions over and over again without questioning why we're doing them.
I've come up with a system for kick-starting creativity. If you do one of these things, I guarantee you'll be out of your rut before you know it.
1. Get in the habit of saving IG photos to a collection.
Whenever I see something on my feed, I tap the little "save" button. That way when I'm completely uninspired, I see a lovely collection full of posts that made me laugh, think, and swoon. It's nice to cut through the clutter and see things you love all in one place.
To save something to a collection on Instagram, click the ribbon icon visible in the bottom right below the post.
2. Turn off your phone and get away from your computer.
This is a big one for me. I recently heard that humans spend an average of 10 hours a day looking at a screen, which is just so unnatural. Get up and get outside for a walk. Force yourself to be away from your phone and look around you. Give yourself permission to let your mind wander without having a "reason" pushing you.
3. Book a trip somewhere.
Half the fun of going somewhere is learning about it. You don't have to go far. Just shake up your routine. Use an app to book a hotel deal. It shouldn't set you back too much and you'll give yourself a new experience.
4. Go on Pinterest.
This is a go-to for me. Pinterest has this amazing way of pulling you down a rabbit hole. Pin something that's inspiring and unrelated to work (like recipes or packing tips) and let your brain loose.
5. Give yourself the day off.
There's a reason why mental health days exist. Sometimes you need to just fully disengage to come back as your best self. If you're feeling off and you can afford it, take the day and don't think about work at all. Trust me. It always works.
When you're overwhelmed and uninspired, what tactic works for you? Comment below with your thoughts.