07. A commercial actress (and viral conspiracist) who wants a content strategy


Today's guest is a do-it-all-er. Actress, mother, and unintentional viral conspiracist Andi wants to inspire people to live life on their own terms. By discussing her content strategy, Phil and Lauren lay out steps for building an audience that gets Andi seen by the right people.

Episode transcription

Andi talks about her purpose to inspire people (03:02)

How Andi was drawn to acting and her journey to get there (04:31)

How Andi invented the body double conspiracy about Melania Trump (06:33)

Phil talks about how the key to Andi's goals is to build an audience (12:25)

Lauren considers the idea of Andi becoming the new Dear Abby (14:17)

Creating a schedule and framework for Andi to work with (16:55)

Discussing how Instagram is the right platform for Andi's content (18:48)

Lauren explains the nuts and bolts of using Instagram live (23:36)

Strategy to get Andi more followers (25:44)

Phil explains why it's important for Andi to not focus on her results at the beginning (27:20)


08. A consultant who wants to draw for a living


06. A fine arts organization that wants more members