15. A dancer who wants you to smile


Time to open your inbox because we’re talking about email marketing. 📧 This weeks gust is a dancer and performer looking to grow a following. The best way to do that right now? email marketing. Phil and Lauren discuss the extreme importance of having an email list and even write Patrick’s first email!

Episode transcription

What Patrick wants to accomplish in 2018 (2:13)

Patrick's challenges stopping him from moving forward (5:03)

Why a newsletter would be best for Patrick (6:12)

Why email marketing is so powerful (7:12)

The importance of having someone’s email (8:45)

Deciding to write Patrick’s first email (12:20)

Lauren begins to structure the email blast (13:12)

How to make your email blasts look personal (18:10)

Structuring an email like Pat Flynn (19:50)

Customizing a photo to add in an email (21:37)

Customizing the footer of your MailChimp emails (22:45)

Reading the first email (23:17)

A/B testing in MailChimp (25:12)


16. A young professional who wants a job title


14. A communications pro who wants to go solo