Ric Lindberg

One of Stockholm’s premier business advisors for a world-renowned Swedish fashion brand.

While working with us:

  • Launched his first-ever personal brand with an updated website

  • Redesigned his podcast artwork, now at 300 episodes!

  • Reworked his brand positioning for greater clarification about value—and how to collaborate

In typical Swedish fashion, Ric is humble. So humble, in fact, that it took three meetings for us to find out that he’s a trusted IT consultant for one of the world’s biggest fashion retailers. A dream client in every way, Ric commissioned us to push him out of his comfort zone through a personal brand—and we couldn’t be happier with the result.


Ric believes in small steps to success. If you’re looking for inspiration, he advocates making a conscious change in something that’s automated, like taking a different walking path home from work. He understands that everyone has their own journey, which is why we felt compelled to incorporate a map into his primary mark.

The first thing we focused on was getting Ric in front of a camera. Stockholm is one of our all-time favorite cities, so (perhaps for selfish reasons) we wanted to get Ric exploring with a beautiful view. In Ric’s photos, his contemplative and calm personality really shines, which is exactly what we wanted.

We also helped Ric update his brand positioning so it’s easier than ever to understand the value he brings to clients. Here’s how Ric now describes his work:

Brand sentence

I'm an analytical advisor who helps unlock potential in individuals and companies. I help people see beyond themselves.

The first thing we focused on was getting Ric in front of a camera. Stockholm is one of our all-time favorite cities, so (perhaps for selfish reasons) we wanted to get Ric exploring with a beautiful view. In Ric’s photos, his contemplative and calm personality really shines, which is exactly what we wanted.

Always focusing on self-improvement, Ric started podcasting to get over his fear of the microphone, and ended up finding great satisfaction in the medium. Now more than 100 episodes in and with a new podcast in the works, we created branded podcast covers to be a natural extension of his brand.

Every sentence that Ric speaks is eloquent. His website captures his thoughtfulness by repurposing phrases we heard him say throughout our project. We opted for a clean and modern look, with the playfulness of a game theme throughout, to keep things zipped up and airy.

We always joke that we have a no diva policy with clients, and Ric exceeded that requirement with flying colors. A beautiful person inside and out, we’re thrilled that he’s equipped with a sophisticated brand to carry him through his life’s next journey.

“I’ve grown as a person.”

“Since working with Phil and Lauren, I’ve grown as a person. My brand is a big part of that.”

Ric Lindberg

Services Recieved

Ready to transform your brand? Learn about our first step: the brand audit.

Photos by Erika Gerdemark


Adelaide Goodeve


Veronica Moore